Ssh is ok, but connection refused when trying to rsync, why


Editing the question, sorry for the confusion

I need make cron job that will backup a directory that resides on a remote server, have the backup on the machine running the cron job. The remote server doesn't have rsync this is why I am doing this this way.

The remote server name is athens, and the directory I want to backup is /disk3/nicolas/scripts

The only connection allowed is ssh, which works. I initiate this command to copy the SRC (athens::disk3/nicolas/scripts/) to current directory

rsync --verbose athens::disk3/nicolas/scripts/ .

rsync: failed to connect to athens: Connection refused (61)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-40/rsync/clientserver.c(105) [receiver=2.6.9]

Is there something I need to edit on the remote server? inetd.conf perhaps?

As asked, I'm using rsync version 2.6.9. There is no -e option to force ssh, in my version of rsync, the -e option is to specify the remote shell to use. I can not increase more verbosity.

Best Answer

Try verbose mode in rsync by adding -vvv to see where it is failing.

Are you using a very old version of rsync that doesn't default to using ssh (older than 2.6.0)? If so, try adding -e ssh to force ssh mode.

Please edit your question and paste your debug output and the exact rsync command line you are trying to run.

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