Ssh – Kill an SSH tunnel after X minutes even if it’s still being used


I'm setting up some background SSH tunnel for some backup procedures. However I'm worried the ssh process just sitting around. At the end of my script I kill the PID, but what if something happens to my script and it doesn't finish. I want something that's a bit more robust.

Is there anyway to get the SSH tunnel to kill itself after X seconds / minutes?

At the moment I'm starting it like this

ssh -f -N -L 14880:internalserver:3306

And then using lsof to get the PID that's opened that port.

Best Answer

Here's a cleaner way of doing it that has been proposed before:

ssh -f -N -L 14880:internalserver:3306 &
( sleep 600 ; echo "Timeout." ; kill $PIDSSH ) &
wait $PIDSSH
kill $PIDSLEEP && echo "Session ended before timeout"

However you don't get an error code from ssh, but that could be arranged.