Ssh – Measure total latency of SSH session


Is there a way to measure/report the overall latency in a tunneled SSH session?

My particular setup is:

  • Client (OS X + wifi router + ADSL modem)
  • Gateway SSH server exposed to Internet
  • Internal SSH target to which I'm tunneling

I'm interested in seeing the latency between the console on my local machine and the final machine on which I have the session open.

Best Answer

See the sshping utility:


# sshping
--- Login: 1725 msec
--- Minimum Latency: 4046 nsec
---  Median Latency: 11026 nsec  +/- 0 std dev
--- Average Latency: 178105 nsec
--- Maximum Latency: 8584886 nsec
---      Echo count: 1000 Bytes
---  Transfer Speed: 11694919 Bytes/second

# sshping --help
Usage: sshping [options] [user@]addr[:port]

  SSH-based ping that measures interactive character echo latency
  and file transfer throughput.  Pronounced "shipping".

  -c  --count NCHARS   Number of characters to echo, default 1000
  -e  --echocmd CMD    Use CMD for echo command; default: cat > /dev/null
  -h  --help           Print usage and exit
  -i  --identity FILE  Identity file, ie ssh private keyfile
  -p  --password PWD   Use password PWD (can be seen, use with care)
  -r  --runtime SECS   Run for SECS seconds, instead of count limit
  -t  --tests e|s      Run tests e=echo s=speed; default es=both
  -v  --verbose        Show more output, use twice for more: -vv