Ssh – Most common account names used in ssh brute force attacks


Does anyone maintain lists of the most frequently guessed account names that are used by attackers brute-forcing ssh?

For your amusement, from my main server's logs over the last month (43 313 failed ssh attempts), with root not getting as far as sshd:

cas@txtproof:~$ grep -e sshd /var/log/auth* | awk ' { print $8 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort | tail -n 13
     32 administrator
     32 stephen
     34 administration
     34 sales
     34 user
     35 matt
     35 postgres
     38 mysql
     42 oracle
     44 guest
     86 test
     90 admin

Best Answer

I would start with a web search:

Of particular note, this document seems to have a list that at least seems possible: