SSH on Debian: Password prompt hang


A friend is having an issue on his SSH login prompt where the username prompt responds instantly (right when you connect VIA ssh), but the password prompt (right after you enter the username) hangs for about 10 or so seconds before appearing. After that the system runs fine.

It used to be running fine (as is the usual scenario), but now, with git pushes and such, it's getting extremely annoying.

What are some things I can take a look at in order to get this resolved?

EDIT: After adding -vv, it appears to hang on debug2: key: /home/[removed]/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil))

Best Answer

One way you can test to see what's happening during your ssh login is to use debug/verbose mode:

ssh -v
ssh -vv

This would show the debug messages that happen as you log in, the second option being more verbose than the first.


Also on the server-side, perhaps check /var/log/auth.log to see if any error is occurring during this process which slows down showing the password field.