SSH over stunnel with secret public (client) ssl certificate


I am in a situation where I cannot have passwordless login for ssh and ssh server could not be run over any other port other than the default port. So, I have chosen to use stunnel to tunnel ssh. On my personal pc I use stunnel on client mode and use it to login to server like so: ssh -p 8888 user@localhost. The problem is that ssl client certificate is public, so anyone can easily setup a ssl tunnel to my server. If any one queries for it shows that openssh 2.0 is running on ssl port. So it has become an easiest way to break in, much simpler than running ssl server on a non-default port.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to make ssl client certificate private, so that it won't be offered to anyone who does a https query on my server. And I should be able to maintain it as secret as ssl private key.

Best Answer

So to clarify: You want passwords to be allowed from the office network, but not from anywhere else. You, however, need to be able to connect from anywhere.

On my network SSH keys are required when logging in from outside but either keys or passwords can be used when connecting from another host on the inside.

Here's how that works:


RSAAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no

Match Address 192.168.0.*
    PasswordAuthentication yes

If you substitute your office subnet for 192.168.0.*, users will be able to use passwords to connect, but only from the office subnet. You, however, will be able to use your SSH keypair to connect from anywhere.

When an ssh client connects to the server, it is presented with a list of authentication mechanisms it can try. Typically the list is "publickey, password." In this case, when someone connects from outside, they are only presented with "publickey" so their client will not even attempt to send a password. If they attempt to authenticate with any mechanism other than an SSH public key, the connection is immediately shut down by the server. So no possibility exists for brute-forcing the passwords.