Jenkins – How to Pass Variable in Remote SSH Command


i have a little test job:

touch 22.txt
echo "wwe" > 22.txt
test=$(echo ${BUILD_NUMBER})
echo $test
ssh jenkins@srv1 "mkdir D:\myfolder\$test"
ssh jenkins@srv1 "dir D:\myfolder\"

BUILD_NUMBER means build number of job in Jenkins
What i have in output:

Running as SYSTEM
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on MAC-slave in workspace /Users/Admin/workspace/testmacosx
[testmacosx] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/rq/4q3q1m2959q6zpgxghhrvdnw0000gn/T/
+ touch 22.txt
+ echo wwe
++ echo 5
+ test=5
+ echo 5
+ ssh jenkins@srv1 'mkdir D:\myfolder$test'
/var/folders/rq/4q3q1m2959q6zpgxghhrvdnw0000gn/T/ line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE

How, you have saw, it does not see this variable $test in the remote ssh-command. How i can pass this variable ? Can you help me please ?

Best Answer

Resolved. Via this: ssh jenkins@srv1 "mkdir D:\myfolder\\$test" So, we have to add \ before our variable