Ssh – Port forwarding for localhost traffic over SSH to production machine database


On windows I used to use Bitvise Tunnler to foward all traffic on my PC's localhost:33306 over an SSH connection to my server – and then from there to the mysqlserver:3306 server database.

PC:33306 -> server:3306 -> databaseserver:3306

Now that I'm using linux I find that it is easy to SSH anywhere anytime with:

ssh user@site.tld

However, I'm not sure how to replicate this port forwarding using the ssh options. If it was just from one computer to another I think I could do something like this…

ssh -L 33306:localhost:3306


I have tried connecting using the following SSH and the connection seems to work.

ssh -L 33306:localhost:3306

But phpMyAdmin throws this error when trying to connect to the other server

#1045 - Access denied for user '[[user]]'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Then I tried

ssh -L

and phpMyAdmin threw this error

#1045 - Access denied for user '[[user]]'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

running netstat -an | more shows

tcp6       0      0 ::1:33306               :::*                    LISTEN   

Again, the process flow should look like this:

mypc -> server -> otherdbserveronprivatelan

Best Answer

This should do:

ssh -L 33306:databaseserver:3306

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