Ssh – Purpose Behind Disabling PAM in SSH


I'm setting up key based authentication for SSH on a new box, and was reading a few articles that mention setting UsePAM to no along with PasswordAuthentication.

My question is, what is the purpose of setting UsePAM to no if you already have PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication set to no?

Best Answer

I think that people who recommend disabling UsePAM may not understand completely the services provided by the PAM stack. In addition to authentication, PAM also provides session setup services that you may not want to bypass.

Examples include setting resource limits (via pam_limit), environment variables, and mounting directories.

If it makes you more comfortable you can modify the PAM configuration for sshd such that it does not support password authentication of any sort. Assuming that you have an existing /etc/pam.d/sshd, just remove the existing auth lines and replace them with:

auth required