Ssh – Putting RSA keys into azure key vault


How can I store my key pair (typically the id_rsa and in azure key vault.
I want to put the public key in my GIT service and allow a virtual machine to download the private key from Azure key vault -> So that it can access GIT securely.

I tried making a pair of PEM files and combining them into a pfx and uploading that as a secret bu the file I get back appears to be completely different to either pem file.

I also tried manually inputting my secret key into Azure but it turns the newlines into spaces.

Best Answer

You could use Azure CLI to upload id_rsa to Azure Key Vault.

azure keyvault secret set --name shui --vault-name shui --file ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You could use -h to get help.

--file <file-name>                 the file that contains the secret value to be uploaded; cannot be used along with the --value or --json-value flag

You could also download secret from key vault.

az keyvault secret download --name shui --vault-name shui --file ~/.ssh/id_rsa

I compare the keys on my lab. They are same.

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