Ssh – PuTTY cannot connect but WinSCP and Git bash can


I have a problem: I've been given an account on a testing-box. My public RSA key has been added to my account and I can connect just fine using programs such as WinSCP or Git bash. However, when I try to use PuTTY, like I always do, the server immediately closes the connection, only displaying Server unexpectedly closed network connection.

WinSCP also has a feature to open the current connection using PuTTY. Note: I am already successfully connected to the server at this point using my username and public-key. However, this results in the same Server unexpectedly closed network connection message immediately.

I have tried to connect to the server with no credentials pre-entered but was unable to do so either (same message).

What reason could this have, and how can this be resolved?

Best Answer

Newer versions of Putty comes with updated protocols that some ssh servers are using actually. Updating the version to the latest available could solve the issue.