Ssh – reverse ssh tunnel over stunnel (or just reverse back down the stunnel connection)


I'm creating a security "dropbox" that can be deployed behind nat or any firewall, call out to a controlled publicly accessible server and then initiate control from the server.

I know this is easily done with an ssh -R command, however, I'm looking for something that effectively evades IDS/IPS over proper SSL/TLS and port 443.

Currently my setup that is working (SSL only) has my dropbox (we'll call this the client) calling out and initiating a stunnel connection with the server. I can then ssh manually from the client to the server.

This is fine and great, however, I need to be able to ssh from the server down to the client via the established stunnel.


  1. Can I just ssh directly from the server over the existing stunnel connection (stunnel initiated by the client). This may require a stunnel config change, I'm just a little lost on what I should change.
  2. Can I reverse SSH tunnel from the client over stunnel to the server so the server then has a local port to ssh back down to the client? If so, I have not been able to get the ssh -R command to work properly as I think I end up creating a loop.

Below are my stunnel configs:


accept = 443
connect =



Example SSH command to attempt and reverse from client to server over the stunnel connection:

ssh -i /path/to/cert -R 2200:localhost:2200 -p 2200 admin@localhost -f -N

Remember, the requirements are that only the client can call the server to initiate the initial connection (stunnel) and the traffic must be over well-formed SSL/TLS encryption. I also need to gain shell access from the server down to the client. Thanks in advance!


It ended up being a bad ssh command. The ssh command that worked for me is:

ssh -i /path/to/cert -R 2201:localhost:22 -p 2200 admin@localhost -f -N

Best Answer

I think all that's needed to is to change -R 2200:localhost:2200 to -R 2200:localhost:22 in your ssh command.

As it stands, you're connecting port 2200 on the server back to port 2200 on the client. And yes, that creates a forwarding loop since client:2200 is tunneled back to the server.

Assuming ssh on the client is running on port 22, then -R 2200:localhost:22 will connect port 2200 on the server to ssh on the client.

In order to help make this a little clearer, I suggest picking a different port number to reverse tunnel from the server: say, -R 2201:localhost:22. That way you're not using port 2200 on both hosts, which will help to keep you from getting the two ports confused.