Ssh – rsync as root to /var/www failing with “protocol version mismatch”

amazon ec2permissionsrsyncssh

I'm trying to set up a one command way to move website code from a dev machine up into my Ubuntu EC2 instance and have it be copied straight into the /var/www/mywebsite folder where nginx expects to find web sites on that box.

These Ubuntu AMIs come with a default ubuntu user. I can rsync a folder without any trouble from the dev machine to the EC2 instance's /home/ubuntu/ folder:

rsync -avL --progress -e "ssh -i /home/me/myhosts.pem" source-folder

but when I try to rsync that same folder to /var/www as root:

rsync -avL --progress -e "ssh -i /home/me/myhosts.pem" source-folder

I get the following error:

protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?
(see the rsync man page for an explanation)
rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at compat.c(174) [sender=3.0.9]

I'm not exactly clear on why this is happening. I noticed that I've not been able to ssh in as root as I get the following message:

Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the user "root".
Connection to ec2[...] closed.

which might explain the behavior above. sshd_config does have "PermitRootLogin" yes though, but I guess that's blocked somewhere else.

I guess one option would be to alter the permissions of the /var/www folder (right now it's 755 root root) and allow ubuntu to copy files there without having to elevate to root every time. I'm however not sure if that's a good idea security-wise and if that's the right solution here, so I'd appreciate advice.

Thank you!

Best Answer

You can also start rsync using sudo on the remote machine to run it with root privileges. The option you can use for this is --rsync-path:

rsync -avL --progress -e "ssh -i /home/me/myhosts.pem" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" source-folder