Ssh – rsync over ssh performance


I am using rsync over ssh to backup data from windows to linux. This creates 1 rsync process on the server for each connection as this is over ssh. Each rsync connections runs at 1 mbps. Do you have an idea on how many of those connections I can have on a 2Ghz – 4G RAM machine before the CPU hits 100%. I couldn't find any good info online on that.


Best Answer

Rsync does not scale linearly, especially when they aren't started at the same time. The most intensive part is the initial bit where it reads the directories and sync's the file lists. The newest version of rsync side steps this so then you are only left with checksums. If CPU usage becomes an issue, you can disable this part too.

The SSH side of things generally won't use too much cpu even when you start pushing serious bandwidth. Its highly optimised and won't do very much. For record, I've push 45meg a second through a ssh encrypted tunnel without any of the cores on the box blinking. Load jumped up a little from the disk access of pushing the data on to the raid array.

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