Ssh – scp to remote server permission denied


I try to copy files to a remote server (OSXServer) using scp. I have 2 user accounts on that server with what I thought the exact same settings. Now I tried the copying files into the respective home folder (every user has one home folder) on the server.
This works for one account but not the other.
How can I find out why this is happening and maybe change the settings so that I can copy stuff with both accounts?(I have administrative access with both accounts according to the workgroup manager)


It is a pure permission problem as "touch" does not work either with the one user account.


chown -R "usrname" "folder"

also gives me permission denied.

To top the weirdness:
Everywhere else except of the home directory it works fine…

I have no idea why the server was set up in such way but now I could change the permissions logging in as root…

Best Answer

Log in using your super user and set work location to your other account and give some group permission to your weird account.