Ssh – Securing NFS against SSH tunneling


I was idly reading trying to understand why localhost exports were bad when I got to the section "6.4. Tunneling NFS Through SSH". Everything in that section about it being a possible security vulnerability to export localhost because it allows others to ssh port forward in and access the share made sense.

Here's my question, how does one keep ssh tunnels from undermining the security of a system if users can ssh in to a machine that can connect to an NFS server? For instance imagine computers A(, B( and C( Let A be the server with the following export file:


As you can see A is giving B permission to use the /home share. Now, let C ssh into B with:

$ ssh -L 250:  -f sleep 60m
$ ssh -L 251: -f sleep 60m

It would seem that A's shares exported to B are vulnerable to anyone that can ssh into B. Is this the case? Is there a way to protect against this other than simply making sure anyone that can log into B is a very trusted user?

Best Answer

That's a very old document your looking at it talks about kernel version 2.4 which came out in 2001, a lot have changes have happened in the last 12 years. Although some things remain the same.

I only have CentOS 6.x boxes to play with which uses nfsv4 by default. To allow the connection via an intermediate machine I had to export the filesystem with insecure set.

So to answer your question use nfsv4 and use the default secure mode. If you have sufficient privilege on B you can also set

AllowTcpForwarding no

in it's /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

As ever though with security if you give people privilege, you have to trust them.