Ssh – Starting jetty service from SSH


I am trying to start jetty service from ssh using the command:

ssh -t myhost "sudo /sbin/service jetty6 start"

All works well, service comes up but after the command terminates and the connection closes down, the Jetty service goes down, too. If I log into ssh and do the "service" command manually, all works fine.

I have tried to use the recipe from this answer, that didn't work either.

Best Answer


# service jetty status
 * Jetty servlet engine is not running.

Use(localhost:2022 virtual machine hostname):

$ ssh -p 2022 localhost "sudo service jetty start"
 * Starting Jetty servlet engine. jetty
 * Jetty servlet engine started, reachable on http://u1004s01:8080/. jetty


# service jetty status
 * Jetty servlet engine is running with pid 2623, and is reachable on http://:8080/

Command service not need go to the background. Add output command:

ssh myhost "sudo /sbin/service jetty6 start;sleep 60;sudo /sbin/service jetty6 status;ps aux | grep jetty"