Ssh – Trouble setting timeout for Nagios test


I have Nagios monitoring an Oracle installation on a different server. Sometimes one particular test (check oracle tablespace can allocate next extent) will fail with "CRITICAL – Plugin timed out after 10 seconds".

The first thing I want to do is figure out how long it actually takes to complete. If it's 11 seconds, maybe I don't care, and I just want to set the timeout a little higher.

I tried setting the timeout for check_by_ssh, which is used to run the actual command, like so:

define command {
  command_name    check_ssh_oracle_health
  command_line    $USER1$/check_by_ssh -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C 
      "/export/home/nagios/libexec/check_oracle_health --mode=$ARG1$ --environment 
      --connect=nagios/<pwd>@<SID> --timeout=15"

This had no effect; the test still errors out, and still says it happened after 10 seconds (and yes, I did restart Nagios :).

The only other place I can see to set a timeout is in nagios.cfg; that seems like too high-level (it would affect all tests) and besides, none of them are currently set to 10 seconds so I doubt this is the right place.

Any pointers?

Best Answer

I think that is the check_by_ssh that's timing out (10 seconds is the default timeout for this check) and not the check_oracle_health inside it. Try to set the timeout of check_by_ssh to a higher value and see if it still happens.

Hope this helps!