Ssh – Tunnel an SSH connection transparently (no ProxyCommand)


Here's the scenario: the user runs "ssh -i sshkey user@server1". I want the SSH connection to be tunneled through server1 to server2. Normally, the user could do this himself using:

ssh -i sshkey user@server1 -o 'ProxyCommand /bin/nc server2 22'

However, I don't want the user to set up the proxy themselves, using ssh command-line arguments or even ssh_config changes. As sysadmin, I want to be able to redirect a user's SSH session to a different server transparently. All solutions I've found so far require ProxyCommand. Is there a way for me to accomplish this?

Note that the user is using SSH keys, not username/password, so those credentials need to be passed on to server2.

Best Answer

I can think of two ways to do this:

Forced command in the user's AuthorizedKeysFile (i.e. ~/.ssh/authorzied_keys) on server1:

The entry would look like

command="ssh server2" ssh-rsa AAAA...[rest of]

Then the command ssh -i sshkey server1 will send the user directly to server2.

Or, change the users' shell on server1 by setting it to something like /bin/proxyshell, the contents of which will be:

ssh server2
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