SSH Tunnel from port 80 seems to be geting blocked


I'm not a server admin, but because of some Facebook Connect programming I'm doing, I need a public facing URL on port 80 to forward to my local development environment. So I have a Centos based web server, and I've stopped the httpd (and nginx) services, but when I try to SSH tunnel from port 80 it doesn't work. It works on any other port from what I can tell.

Here's basically the command I'm running:

ssh -v -p 22 -nNT4 -R *:80:localhost:3000 username@

Is port 80 tied up somehow on the server? Do I have to release it or something? I looked around and saw that it might be related to the GatewayPorts setting in my sshd_config – that's set to "Yes" at the moment.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Best Answer

As a normal (non-root) user, you can't bind to ports < 1024.