Ssh – Use YaST through a SOCKS5 proxy


I am ssh'ing into a server (SLES 10 sp2) that does not have access to the internet.
I need to run updates and install new software on this server, preferably using Yast.

So my idea was:

  1. Create a proxy using ssh to a box that has access to the outside.
  2. Setup Yast to use this proxy.

The ssh command I run on the isolated server looks as follows:

ssh -D 9999 username@ip-of-box-with-internet-access

In Yast I go to Network Service > Proxy and enter the following as the HTTP Proxy URL:


When I go to Test proxy settings it fails.

I suspect that Yast does not know it is a SOCKS5 proxy.

Could anyone tell me how I can setup Yast to use a proxy created with ssh?

Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

An "HTTP Proxy" and a "SOCKS5 Proxy" aren't the same thing. That's why YAST doesn't get it :)

A quick fix would be to install Squid or some other HTTP proxy on ip-of-box-with-internet-access , and then do something like ssh -L 12345:localhost:8080 user@ip-of-box-with-internet-access from the server. I do this all the time.

An example of a quick HTTP proxy would be micro proxy, but I haven't used that and thus can't give a recommendation. Squid isn't too bad to set up.