Ssh – What part of SSH forwarding sets up SSH_AUTH_SOCK


I'm trying to get SSH agent forwarding working from my Mac to a Debian server. On my Mac, I have verified that I have:

  • SSH_AUTH_SOCK exists
  • ssh-add -l shows my identities
  • ./ssh/config has settings to enable ForwardAgent

Passwordless login to the remote server works fine. However, none of my identities are available there and the SSH_AUTH_SOCK is empty.

I'd like to understand how this gets set up in the remote environment, and what am I missing to make it work?


My server is set up with AllowAgentForwarding=yes in sshd_config and ForwardAgent=yes in ssh_config.

I found some tutorials that suggest running eval ``ssh-agent, so I tried that but I suspect this is meant for the client machine. This did set up a SSH_AUTH_SOCK when I ran it on my server, but it doesn't seem to connect back to the client agent, and it says "The agent has no identities".

Best Answer

On my Mac with OS 10.6.x I found that agent forwarding didn't work until I added my key to the Apple keychain, with the following:

ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa 

where ~/.ssh/id_rsa contains my private ssh key

I've a blog entry about setting up ssh host configuration entries to simplify ssh command-lines that may be of interest

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