Ssh – Why does a SSH public key sit on the server and not with the client


I don't quite understand the theory behind keeping public keys on the server. In the lockbox analogy of public/private keys, to unlock Alice's box, Alice holds the private key while the public key is distributed to Bob. It would seem that the server plays the role of lockbox, so why does it hold the public key?

Best Answer

Keep in mind that the server DOES have a private and public key which is completely separate from the keypair you generate as a user. The private key for the server is usually stored with the server configuration and the public key is transmitted by the server when you attempted to connect. You client compares the server's public key against your known_hosts file. If used properly, this prevents MITM attacks.

You have the private key for your personal account. The server needs your public key so that it can verify that your private key for the account you are trying to use is authorized.

So using your example. Both Bob and Alice have private keys and public keys. The public keys which have been shared before hand or as part of the connection are used to verify the data encrypted by the private keys is legitimate. If the client doesn't have the public key, or has a different public key you will get a scary warning. If the server doesn't have the clients public key, you will not be allowed in.