Ssh – Why would sshd allow root logins by default


I'm currently working on hardening my servers against hacking- amongst other things, i'm getting a load of attempts to log on as root over ssh. While i've implemented fail2ban, i'm wondering, why root logons would be allowed by default to start with? Even with non sudo based distros, i can always log on as a normal user and switch – so i'm wondering is there any clear advantage to allowing root logons on ssh, or it just something no one bothers to change?

Best Answer

There any clear advantage to allowing root logons on ssh

There are some backup systems that need root on the remote system to actually perform a backup. It is not uncommon to see things setup with key-based authentication to perform maintenance tasks on remote systems.

I do strongly wish the default would be changed from PermitRootLogin yes to at least PermitRootLogin without-password, this would allow key-based authentication only. Remote password authentication to the root account is almost never needed.

It is becoming more common on systems (like Ubuntu) for the system to be setup with a root account with a disabled password. There isn't much risk in the default setup since there is no way to directly authenticated to an account with a disabled password.

Also consider that a brute force attempt to remotely login to root via ssh has a very low chance of being successful if you have a root account with a sufficiently complex password. Disabling the root account does provide an extra layer of security, but it may not be needed if you have a strong password. If you combine a strong password with a reactive tools like denyhosts and fail2ban there is usually almost no risk that an attempt to brute force the root password will work.

It is always a good practice to harden the system after the install is done based on the risk and the requirement for your network. A system that not critical and has no user data doesn't really need the same level of hardening as the system that stores medical or banking records.