Sshfs mounts from command line but not through fstab


I'm able to mount an sshfs network share from the command line (using Ubuntu 14.04), like this:

sshfs server-name:/usr/local/things /home/myname/stuff

but I can't make it persistent using fstab. Here's my

sshfs#server-name:/usr/local/things /home/myname/other-stuff fuse comment=sshfs,defaults,noauto,idmap=user,allow_other,reconnect,BatchMode=yes,_netdev 0 0

It's not a permissions problem, because – sometimes, at least – a "shared-things" directory is created in the mount directory, but it's empty. Inexplicably, other times, nothing at all is created…
Any ideas?

Best Answer

@Stretch has identified the correct methodology: I stripped the arguments down to "defaults" and added one argument at a time. "fuse comment=sshfs,defaults,allow_other 0 0" has the share up and running. I'll experiment with the others later.