Sshfs permission denied even for root user


I use sshfs to mount a remote folder from another server to the local server. Mounting the remote folder works without a problem using the following command:

sshfs -o allow_other someServerFromSSHConfig:/home/data/somefolder/ /some/local/folder

The problem is that I cannot change the owner of the files using chown (regardless of root permissions) I always get:

chown: changing ownership of ‘/somefolder/file.img’: Permission denied

The user that accesses the folder is member of the fuse group. Even if I add additional mount options in sshfs to set the owner as userx:groupx I cannot change permissions using userx and using chown -R userx:groupx [...]

I expect to be able to set user permissions for files in mounted folders but this is not the case.

Best Answer

As you said in comments, you connect as data@remote_server This means you cannot chown at all. The sshfs is just a crude abstraction, you are permitted only to the actions that you could perform inside sftp data@remote_server All abstraction are leaky, this one too.

Only root@remote_server can chown on remote_server. It doesn't matter what user you are on local_server.

Note that to sftp root@remote_server you usually need to PermitRoot yes or PermitRoot without-password in remote's /etc/ssh/sshd_config This is risky.

PS. By default, sshd doesn't allow root logins at all, because of PermitRoot no option. So normally you cannot sshfs root@remote_host. If you would like to test chown behavior via root, I would recommend to set PermitRoot without-password. This means that root can login when a public key is added to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. With this setting, root cannot login solely by providing a root password, so it's somewhat secure.

PS2. If you need a bit more security, you can set up another instance of sshd only for this file share; with ForceCommand internal-sftp and with chroot it would have greatly increased root security, but it would need to use a new TCP port and a new firewall exception.