Ssl – Active Directory LDAPS and Java 181 LDAPS Verification


Java 8u181 (Java 8 Update 181) enhances security around LDAPS connections:

Change: Improve LDAP support Endpoint identification has been enabled
on LDAPS connections. To improve the robustness of LDAPS (secure LDAP
over TLS ) connections, endpoint identification algorithms have been
enabled by default. Note that there may be situations where some
applications that were previously able to successfully connect to an
LDAPS server may no longer be able to do so. Such applications may, if
they deem appropriate, disable endpoint identification using a new
system property:
com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification. Define this
system property (or set it to true) to disable endpoint identification
algorithms. JDK-8200666 (not public)

One of these enhancements seem to be checking that the domain name is on the certificate. However, the default behavior of Active Directory seems to be to only have the name for the AD server that happens to be returned under the many A records of the AD domain name – and it seems rare that clients will support a list of hosts.

I also see this pattern outside of Java (i.e. Go programs will check this now as well see Go 1.10 release notes on Certificate.Verify).

There is a somewhat intimidating technet article on getting names on the cert in a way that will be renewed:

I'm sure I'm not the only one here running into this:

  1. Has anyone had success in either adding the name to the cert, or maybe using a load balancer in front of LDAPS for generic non-AD specific LDAP clients?
  2. Does anyone know if Microsoft is on this issue in any way that might have changes coming in the future that make "disable verification and wait" a sane tactic?

Best Answer

We hit the same issue and there are few solutions to fix this.

Root cause: It would only NOT work when you use the pool hostname.

  • Fix 1: Include -Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true to your application JAVA_OPTS and restart the tomcat/application server. This is to avoid strict end point verification.

  • Fix 2: Use the exact host name (FQDN) mentioned in LDAPS presentation certificate.

Know your LDAPS server FQDN: openssl s_client -connect [LDAPS server IP/DNS]:636. Try to connect LDAPS server using IP/DNS. It displays the exact FQDN in CN= attribute. Use that FQDN to configure LDAPS server.

  • Fix 3: Import the LDAPS presentation certificate (not the root or intermediate) in the application server.