Ssl – Any way to map WebDAV with SSL as network drive in Windows XP


I'm trying to map WebDAV with SSL as a network drive in Windows XP. (I've been at this for several hours) I can read the share just fine using a browser and with Network Places, but it refuses to mount as a network drive.

I've tried it using the Windows explorer interface and net use.

Net use with the \\server@ssl:443\webdav method gives System error 53. https://server/webdav gives error 67.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Here's how I got it working on Windows Server 2008 R2.

  1. The Web site is pointed at C:\inetpub\webDAV.
  2. Authentication used is Windows Integrated
  3. WebDAV is Authorized to for All Users, with Read, Write permission.
  4. Command I use is "net use \win-2k8wss1@ssl:443"

Error message: 53 means "The network path was not found."
Error message: 67 means "The network name cannot be found."

Please verify if the command you are using is correct.