Ssl – Apache 2.4 Reverse Proxy SSL Issue


I am attempting to create the following setup using Apache:

UserBrowser ----Client Certificate---> LoadBalancer (Apache 2.4)
LoadBalancer (Apache 2.4) ----LB Client Certificate ----> Apache 2.2 Web Server 

So the user connects to the load balancer and provides a client certificate – This works correctly.

A Reverse Proxy then makes the Load Balancer connect to the web server, the webserver requests a certificate from the Load Balancer and I get the following error:

Proxy client certificate callback: ( entered
Proxy client certificate callback: ( downstream server wanted client certificate but none are configured
[remote] SSL Proxy connect failed
[ssl:info] SSL Library Error: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure (SSL alert number 40)
[ssl:info] [remote] Connection closed to child 0 with abortive shutdown (server
[ssl:info] [remote] SSL handshake failed: sending 502

Load Balancer Config:

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyRequests off
ProxyPreserveHost on
Proxytimeout 600

SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
SSLProxyCheckPeerName off

SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile "/path/to/keyandcert.pem"

Web Server Config:

SSLVerifyClient require

This scenario works if I remove SSLVerifyClient from the Web Server, traffic is then loadbalanced. I need to have client verification between the User – LB and between the LB – WS.

Keys + Certs have been generated using 1024 bit long modulus

Can anyone offer an insight into what might be going wrong here?

Best Answer

Your request is unclear. There can be, however, the following cases that I can imagine:

  • you intend to construct a client certificate authentication scheme. In this case the client should be authenticated by the balancer, as there's no way to use a HTTP-aware balancer, an SSL offloading on the balancer, and pass the client certificate to the backend. Once authenticated (or not) - the balancer should report the result to the backend using HTTP headers.
  • you intend to create a simple SSL offloading scheme. In this case you don't need the HTTPS between a balancer and the backend, as usually they communicate to each other using a trusted transport.

Either way, the scheme you are describing doesn't match completey any of the above.

P.S. use nginx as a balancer, apache is long gone.