Ssl – Apache ReverseProxy, SSL on Proxy, noSSL on backend-server, page manipulation


I use an Apache2 as proxy for several backend-server.
The proxy holds the Let´s-Encrypt-SSL-Certificates for all servers, http-traffic is redirected to https and then proxyed to the http-backend-servers.

Everything is running smoothly, but:

One of the backend-servers hold a Moodle-Installation. Every link points to the http-url, so browsers say, there is insecure content…

How can I manipulate the page-content, that is delivered from the backend via the proxy to the client?
I will have to replace every link "" with "" within the delivered pages…

The traffic between proxy and backend-serer is http, not https.
As theses servers have no internet-access they cannot update certificates issued by let´s encrypt…

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Two possible approaches:

  • Install certificates on the back-end servers so they can support https and then reconfigure the web application to run on the HTTPS back-end so that it will generate https links when referencing to itself.
    You don't need a valid certificate and can make do with a self-signed certificate on the back-end server(s) because by default mod_proxy_http does not check the certificate (see SSLProxyVerify)

  • You can rewrite the HTML pages your web application generates and rewrite any occurrence of with mod_proxy_html and the ProxyHTMLURLMap Directive. A basic example would be:
