Ssl – Better understanding TLS/SSL Alternative Names


Can someone explain (to a 5 year old) how Alternative Names are used? And why some domains have SO many?

enter image description here

Are all of these domains sharing a certificate? Are there any security risks (MitM attacks?) with using Alternative Names?

Best Answer

TLDR: That's Cloudflare

First, note that X.509 certificates can contain two different extensions, Subject Alternative Name(s) and Issuer Alternative Name(s). In practice no one uses IssuerAltNames, and the SSLLabs report you copied shows (only) SubjectAltNames, which practically everyone uses now and browsers have (just recently) begun to require.

The server using this certificate is part of CloudFlare's network. CloudFlare is (primarily) a so-called 'Content Delivery Network', which means they run webservers that initially handle WWW requests from browsers etc for lots of websites/domains owned by their customers. To quote their FAQ:

How does Cloudflare work?
Cloudflare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the Cloudflare community, its web traffic is routed through our intelligent global network. We automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance. We also block threats and limit abusive bots and crawlers from wasting your bandwidth and server resources.

According to their homepage they currently handle 6 million 'properties' (presumably domains) using 115 datacenters worldwide. To do this they handle multiple domains on each server (otherwise they'd need more servers than anyone could afford), and the default certificate reflects this, although they offer dedicated certificates for an additional charge.

There is possible risk in using a shared server: if CloudFlare has a bug or makes a mistake it affects all the sites handled by the affected server(s), and there have been some cases of this (see the wikipedia article). However since their main business and full-time job is running these servers, the CloudFlare servers are probably better configured and monitored and more quickly patched when there is a problem than most (I'd guess at least 90%) of the origin servers run directly by domain owners.

There is no significant additional risk in using a shared certificate, since anyone looking at the DNS resolutions for the affected domains can already see they go via CloudFlare -- and all reasonably new software supports SAN, so the very few clients that have trouble connecting to a server using a SAN cert probably are pwned anyway. (Do not confuse this with the failure of slightly-less-ancient software like WindowsXP and early Android and Java6 (!) to support Server Name Indication aka SNI, a related but different feature of TLS.)

Note that even 'in-house' webservers may still use quite a few SubjectAltName entries in cases where a single enterprise owns and uses multiple domain names, such as:

  • (non-wildcarded) subdomains like or
  • same or similar names in different TLDs like or
  • clearly different names like etc.