SSL Certificates – Can a Server Certificate Expire After Its Issuer?


Most if not all server certificates that I work with expire before its issuer, but is it possible for a server certificate to expire after its issuer and does this apply to an intermediate certificate as well (expire after the root certificate)?

If so, should a client trust a remote with a expired intermediate certificate while the server certificate hasn't?

I've looked into Certification authority root certificate expiry and renewal, but I don't fully understand the answer.

Best Answer

According to the SSL FAQ:

the validity (and thus level of trust) of a given certificate is determined by the corresponding validity of the higher-level certificate that signed it.

So while it is technically possible to make a certificate which lasts longer than its issuer, it makes no sense, as the chain becomes broken the moment an intermediate (or the root) certificate becomes invalid (for whatever reason). No client should (and none does) trust such a chain.