SSL Certificate for FTPS vs HTTPS – Are They the Same?


This question is about "FTP over SSL", if I understand correctly FTPS and HTTPS are just the standard FTP and HTTP protocols running on top of SSL, is this correct?

The actual question is: is the certificate that you use for FTPS the exact same that you can use for HTTPS? or are there any differences?

To give you some context, I need to get a certificate for an FTPS server, I know I can generate one but it needs to be from an certificate authority, I just need to make sure that I can use the same type of certificate that we use here for HTTPS, otherwise need to know what type of certificate I need to get

Best Answer

Both FTPS and HTTPS use the same basic kind of certificate (SSL server certificate). However, depending on your software you may need it in a different format, such as pkcs8 instead of x509. There are ways to convert between those formats (openssl command-line stuff, mostly). Odds are high that clients are using the same libraries for the SSL portions of FTPS as for HTTPS; same for the servers.

I'm not doing any FTPS, but I can tell you that we use the exact same formats of certificates for HTTPS, IMAPS, IMAP+TLS, SMTP+TLS, LDAPS, LDAP+TLS, etc...