SSL Certificate trusted on one machine, not another


I have an SSL certificate (from Verisign) installed on a web service. If I access this from my own machine (and a number of client machines in the office), it is verified, trusted and happy. If I access it from one server, it is trusted but from another one it is not.

Obviously, the one that doesn't trust it is one that needs to communicate with that web service.

What's gone wrong here? I don't know too much about SSL (the certificates were installed by another team), so I don't totally get what the Verisign site is saying about installation, or if I should even be looking at it.

EDIT: I've installed a Verisign root certificate on the server now, since this was not there before. It's showing the web service as trusted from IE on the server, but the application (hosted in IIS) that is supposed to talk to the web service still cannot communicate. We have scheduled in an IIS restart later today, to see if that resolves it. Any other advice is appreciated!

Best Answer

Check to see if the correct root certificate is on the affected server. Copy it from another machine if necessary.