SSL Certificates are about to expire. How to do


I have two SSL Certificates setup on two domains on my IIS6 Server. One certificate is through godaddy, and the other is through my host (1and1).

Do I need to renew these or do I need to buy new ones and replace the old certificates?

My only experience with SSL Certificates is when I set them up 11 months ago in the first place… so I know very little.

Also, I'd like to switch the GoDaddy Certificate over to 1and1. Would that be hard to do?

Furthermore, Both certificates are attached to e-commerce stores that would appreciate uninterrupted operation during normal business hours.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Best Answer

You should renew the 1an1 certificate and buy a new one for the godaddy certificate from 1and1 - i don't believe you can renew certs from other vendors - although it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Once you get the new certs you can replace the old ones, your services should not be affected as long as the info is correct. There is no "Good On" type check for certs just "Good Until" checks.