SSL Certificate – Troubleshoot Client Side Authentication Failure


I'm trying to put the finishing bits and pieces on a client / server application I'm writing, but something seems to go foul at the last step in the SSL handshake.

The client side of the program connects and establishes a secure connection with a server without a hitch, but if I want to run operations from the server side of the program, it fails to make any connection.

When I try to connect to my server via Firefox (as the client), the browser will alert to me that the certificate is not suitable for the connection.

On the server side, my logs reflect that there's an unknown ca or certificate unkown whenever I try to accept bytes from my client.

I guess my question boils down to this point:

Do you have to make different certificates for a client side application vs a server side application? What's the difference between these?

Best Answer

The same way that server certificates uniquely identify a server (or domain), client certificates uniquely identify a client. And just like server certificates must be signed by someone the client trusts, client certificates must be signed by someone the server trusts.

Usually, when you configure a server to accept client certificates, you specify a signing certificate that must be used to sign the client's cert. This lets the server know that the client is "authorized", whatever that might mean in your context, since presumably you'll only sign certificates for "authorized" users.

Allowing client certificates without doing any sort of verification is generally possible with most servers, but sort of defeats the whole purpose.

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