Cloudfront – Cloudfront GoDaddy DNS SSL Certificate Issues


I have a CloudFront distribution setup and working correctly. I also have an SSL certificate issued using ACM.

My GoDaddy DNS has a CNAME entry for www which points to the cloudfront distribution

The following URLS work as expected and display the CloudFront distribution…

But this one does not..

It gives me a non-secure page error, looking further into it I can see that is it because the domain is actually the GoDaddy URL shortener which the SSL certificate does not recognise.

Anyone any idea how I can resolve? Can I create another CNAME entry for @?

Best Answer

No, you can’t CNAME your root domain name, and for that reason you should avoid using or promoting it. However, if you move your DNS to Cloudflare, they have a workaround for this.

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