SSL – Differences Between SSL Products Explained


I'm looking into getting a few SSL certificates for domains to cover the following:


Wildcard certificates are too expensive, so I'm going to purchase a single certificate for each subdomain (I have enough IP addresses to go around).

My question is, what makes a $10 certificate better than a $100 certificate?

Take, for example, the the GeoTrust product range. I know what an EV is (don't need it), and I know what a Secure Seal is (our users trust us already, so don't need that).

But why would I go for a QuickSSL for $69 when I can get a RapidSSL for $10? The only difference is "Brand Recognition" (Moderate to Medium) and insurance.

Can anyone spread any light on what they mean by "Brand Recognition"? Our public website is already well trusted by our users, and the other two subdomains are just for Outlook Anywhere (and thus won't be displayed in a browser).

Best Answer

From the typical end-users perspective there is effectively no difference between most certificates. Some even call the SSL system a scam. Even the EV certificates don't really make much to the typical end user over a cheap certificate. As long as the browser doesn't complain, most users are happy.

Unless you are running a bank, or have a large number of highly paranoid security professionals as customers then I suggest you get the cheapest certificate you can.