Ssl – DNS Messed Up After Adding SSL


I need some advice.

We have an e-commerce website hosted at HostGator. Yesterday I ordered a RapidSSL certificate and they auto-configured it for me which made work fine. I thought everything was going well and continued over night to push the application live and work on some tests with the payment gateway.

This morning I found out that people were having issues accessing the site, although it worked fine for me. It appeared that adding the SSL certificate invalidated the DNS and it had to re-propagate. HostGator did mention that they would be giving us a dedicated IP address along with the certificate.

Using to try to ping the domain from various places around the world, I'm seeing that only half or so point to the correct IP. The rest are pointing to some random IP that we weren't even using in the first place.

TLDR: I added an SSL certificate to our website and now the site is unavailable to several places around the world. Is this a DNS propagation issue or some other "gotcha" I'm not aware of?

Best Answer

This is normal - they should have warned you though - and you should expect interruptions for at least the next day (if you're lucky; and the next month if you're unlucky).

Older versions of SSL require their own IP. SNI is a "modern" technology that lets multiple sites share an IP, in the same way that standard HTTP can share via Virtual Hosts. SNI has about 80% support however, and 20% is enough to guarantee that no major hosting site will support it. So when you implement SSL, you require your own IP address (you're probably paying more for this too).

Since you're switching IP addresses, it will take time for anyone who has the old IP cached to grab the new IP. Your TTL is 4 hours, so anyone who hasn't visited your site in the last 4 hours should be working now. Some DNS servers don't play by the rules (and it's too hard to identify them to do anything about it - as much as I'd really like to) and will cache your entry as long as they'd like (which could mean malfunctioning patrons for some time to come).

This is all very common among the hosting industry, though my host gave a huge red warning about interruptions and stuff (they went out of their way to explain the issues, very likely they got tired of having to explain it to people who didn't know already). I'd like to be surprised that your hosting provider didn't, but in honest they're probably charging <$5 a month for basic hosting packages (SSL, Domain name, IP, etc all extra) and are betting they wont piss you off enough to make you leave.