Ssl – Does using SSL cause a significant performance hit


I'm trying to decide whether to use SSL for a webapp. It doesn't handle credit cards or financial data, but it does store information that should be private for personal/social reasons. There is also the usual user registration and login functionality that maybe should be protected.

I know that there is going to be some performance reduction with SSL because server and client have encrypt and decrypt. Also, from what I understand, encrypted data doesn't compress as much, so Apache's mod_deflate probably won't work as well.

How significant is the performance hit likely to be? I plan to do some testing, but nonetheless I'd be interested in any comments based on experience.

Best Answer

There's a noticeable performance hit on each connect for the PKI overhead. The actual data transfer, using symmetric keys, has relatively little overhead. Exact ratios and costs depend on your particular hardware/software stack.

In general, the overhead for transferring lots of data is small; the overhead for doing lots of small connects (https for lots of small images, for example) is much larger. You can pick and choose parts of a page to protect, it doesn't have to be all or none.

Do your tests and benchmarks, I suspect you'll find that the overall performance hit is small and tolerable.