SSL error in VMWare ESXi 5.5 when trying to add Host to VCenter


Recently I installed a new VMWare EsXi 5.5 Server in an ASUS Server with 32GB of RAM, I have a couple of tplink additional NICs and had to add the drivers from VMWARE bundle to original ISO and rebuil it following the process described in . After INstall all went OK and the server had access to the tplink NICs but when tried to add this new host to my existing VCenter this error appears in vpxd.log in VCenter

2016-03-28T13:40:54.680-04:00 [03192 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=1EF3038B-0000013B-3e] [VpxLRO] — BEGIN task-internal-5373 — datacenter-7 — vim.Datacenter.queryConnectionI\
nfo — e2151146-896a-380a-114d-a7aaf2406c7e(523d4e3b-cbcc-d7ac-2ced-865af33c3db7)

2016-03-28T13:40:54.684-04:00 [05492 error 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] [ConnectComplete] Connect failed to ; cnx: (null), e\
rror: class Vmacore::Ssl::SSLException(SSL Exception: error:140000DB:SSL routines:SSL routines:short read)

2016-03-28T13:40:54.684-04:00 [03192 error 'httphttpUtil' opID=1EF3038B-0000013B-3e] [HttpUtil::ExecuteRequest] Error in sending request – SSL Exception: error:140000DB:SS\
L routines:SSL routines:short read

2016-03-28T13:40:54.684-04:00 [03192 error 'vpxdvpxdHostAccess' opID=1EF3038B-0000013B-3e] [VpxdHostAccess::Connect] Failed to discover version: vim.fault.HttpFault

2016-03-28T13:40:54.685-04:00 [03192 info 'commonvpxLro' opID=1EF3038B-0000013B-3e] [VpxLRO] — FINISH task-internal-5373 — datacenter-7 — vim.Datacenter.queryConnection\
Info —

2016-03-28T13:40:54.685-04:00 [03192 info 'Default' opID=1EF3038B-0000013B-3e] [VpxLRO] — ERROR task-internal-5373 — datacenter-7 — vim.Datacenter.queryConnectionInfo: \

–> Result:
–> (vim.fault.NoHost) {
–> dynamicType = ,
–> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
–> name = "",
–> msg = "",
–> }
–> Args:

Thanks in Advance for any help anyone could give me on this.

Best Answer

Resuming the problem is Solved by installing the drivers into the original VMWAre ISO

Eddyraz Blog

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