Let’s Encrypt – Export Client Certificate from Let’s Encrypt Certificates


I'm running Debian and have certbot for creating Let's Encrypt certificate.

I act as client towards a TLS server, and needs to handover my client certificate for approval.

I've got the following files generated by certbot:


Which certificate should I handover, and is it safe to share public?

Best Answer

You need to keep /etc/letsencrypt/live/my-client-server-domain/privkey.pem private as it contains the private key for your certificate.

You can hand out one ofthese two files:


You might want to share the /etc/letsencrypt/live/my-client-server-domain/fullchain.pem as it contains intemediate certificates if those were used by Let's Encrypt. The recipient can extract your certificate from it in case it is needed.

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