HAProxy 503 Service Unavailable – No Servers Available to Handle Request


Hey I seem to have issues with HAProxy but can't seem to find the root of the problem.


1 Load Balancer

3 Servers (Splunk Search Heads)

Both Load Balancer and the 3 servers are only accessible through https and all have different SSL certs. I'm trying to have encrypted traffic from the Client to the Load Balancer and then encrypted traffic from the Load Balancer to the Server. These sessions in the future will also need to be sticky. As an FYI I've changed the IPs in the config below to private IPs for this.

I can ping the servers from the load balancer and access them correctly from a browser (not going through load balancer). The SSL cert on the Load Balancer is working but instead of redirecting to one of the servers I get a 503 error: "503 Service Unavailable – No servers are available to handle this request."

Below is my config file. Any help would be appreciated as this is my first time using HAProxy.

   ssl-server-verify none

frontend https443
   mode http
   bind *:443 ssl cert /ect/haproxy/cert/haproxy.pem
   timeout client 60s
   reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
   default_backend allservers

backend allservers
   mode http
   balance roundrobin
   timeout connect 10s
   timeout server 100s
   server server1 check ssl
   server server2 check ssl
   server server3 check ssl

Best Answer

Check that the respective SSL certs on the backends cover 192.168.23.x. If not, then HAProxy considers their cert to be invalid.

Solution should be either (a) update HAProxy config so that the backend servers are referred to by a DN/IP covered by the existing SSL on each backend node; or (b) update the SSL on the backend nodes to cover the private IP; or (c) disable SSL certificate validation.