HAProxy – Configure Multihost with SSL ACL


how can I use ACL rules in haproxy (1.5dev19) for server multiple hosts with own ssl certificate for each??

I have 3 backends with multiple domains all on one IP address.

nodejs (http/https/ws/wss)

nginx (http/https) (reverse proxy for apache now)

apache (http)

I want to put haproxy before them and make it serve ssl connections.
is it possible with haproxy acl or I have to use something like stud in front of haproxy?

something like:

frontend http-in
    bind *:80

    acl host_domain1 hdr(host) -i domain1.lt
    use_backend nginx_web_http if host_domain1

frontend http-in
    bind *:443

    acl host_domain1 hdr(host) -i domain1.lt
    use_backend nginx_web_https if host_domain1

backend nginx_web_https
    mode http
    ssl crt /etc/ssl/domain1/ crt ./certs/ prefer-server-cipher
    option httplog
    option httpclose
    server nginx check

backend nginx_web_http
    mode http
    option httplog
    option httpclose
    server nginx check

Best Answer

I don't think haproxy will allow you to specify a per-backend SSL certificate for each incoming request, rather you'd have to have a combined certificate that allows for multiple domain names (SNI).

Here's a guide on using SNI with haproxy, where all the certificates are actually hosted by the haproxy server, not the backend instances: https://trick77.com/haproxy-and-sni-based-ssl-offloading-with-intermediate-ca/

Also see the example at the end of this section: http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.5.html#4.2-use-server