Ssl – Heroku SSL: Pem is invalid / Key doesn’t match the Pem certificate


I bought a SSL certificate and I'm following this tutorial.

  1. I created the key file.
  2. then transformed it to CSR
  3. then added it to Gandi website and waited for the CRT.
  4. then removed the password from the key ===> result : [FINAL KEY]
  5. then merged the CRT and the FINAL KEY into one file ==> result : [FINAL PEM]
  6. then heroku ssl:add final_pem final_key –app app_name

and… got Pem is invalid / Key doesn't match the Pem certificate.

I tried 3 times and I really don't know what's going one.

Can you help ?

Best Answer

I think I may have run into a similar issue when attempting to use a Gandi certificate on Heroku. Heroku kept on complaining that my PEM file didn't match my key, and running openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in gave me an "unable to load certificate" error.

The issue in my case was very simple: when I downloaded the certificate from Gandi, there was an extra blank line between the certificate text and the "--END CERTIFICATE..." line:



When I deleted the blank line, everything worked perfectly:


I think when you create the final PEM file that you want to concatenate your certificate and your CA's certificate, not your certificate and your private key:

cat >

Finally, I found very helpful with the whole process.