Ssl – Hostname provided via SNI, but no hostname provided in HTTP request


I got this error in apache log:

[Mon Oct 28 16:11:33.074606 2019] [ssl:error] [pid 30553] AH02031: Hostname provided via SNI, but no hostname provided in HTTP request

I couldn't find any info about it.
What does it means?

The website was not responding and was on 100% cpu for an hour, I had to stop it from the Console, when I look at the error log, I only saw the above error, which was at the exact time when the cpu became 100%

I suspect it might be some form so hacker attack, since it is similar message to Conflict between SNI and HTTP provided domains

Best Answer

I suspect it might be some form so hacker attack, since it is similar message to Conflict between SNI and HTTP provided domains.

While this could in theory be a hacker it could be totally innocent too. It is different to the problem in the question you've linked too where somebody deliberately uses a different name in ClientHello and Host header.

In this case there is simply no Host header. Instead of an attacker I rather suspect somebody trying HTTP without properly reading the specification or who tries if simply HTTP/1.0 requests (which don't require a Host header in all cases contrary to HTTP/1.1) still work.

For example the following simple Perl code will produce such a log entry if would be a multi-domain setup served by Apache:

use IO::Socket::SSL;
my $cl = IO::Socket::SSL->new('');
print $cl "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";

And with a slight modification (having the expected Host header) the message would not be there:

print $cl "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
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