Ssl – How to benchmark SSL performance IIS


We are moving from Windows 2003 IIS 6 to Windows 2012 IIS 8. When moving over to the 2012 we have seen a slow down of the website of at least 10 times and sometimes more under load.

Initial testing shows that encrypted pages are slower, however unencrypted pages are much faster on 2012.

I would like to bench mark the time taken to setup a SSL connection to prove or disprove SSL is the cause of the problem. What is the best way of doing a benchmark on SSL?

I was hoping to find a browser plugin that would provide the total time taken to do the SSL handshake, but have been unable to find anything.

Any tools or advise would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I haven't tried this myself but a few minutes of searching resulted in the following:


swamp is a utility that can be used to test and/or benchmark SSL/TLS servers. It is quite configurable and allows for various different characteristics of the server's behaviour to be tested.

This is how you would use it:

swamp -connect IP:www.localnet:443

ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool

You may want to look into Apache ab, even though they only have an experimental SSL feature.

-s When compiled in (ab -h will show you) use the SSL protected https rather than the http protocol. This feature is experimental and very rudimentary. You probably do not want to use it.