Ssl – How to create a self-signed certificate for Microsoft Virtual Server


I'd like to use TLS encryption with Virtual Machine Remote Control (VMRC) for Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 SP1.

Virtual Server doesn't allow you to upload an arbitrary self-signed certificate; it generates a certificate signing request (CSR) that then needs to be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA).

I don't have a Windows Certificate Authority, and can't install it because I don't have access to Windows Server.

Can I use a self-signed CA certificate (generated with either MakeCert or OpenSSL) to sign the certificate signing request (CSR) that Virtual Server generates?

If so, how do I do this (using either MakeCert or OpenSSL)? I've only ever used MakeCert and OpenSSL to create signed certificates from scratch, not to sign CSRs.

Best Answer

I've always used SelfSSL from the IIS 6 resource kit to generate SSL certs. It's pretty easy to use.