Ssl – How to direct Apache Basic authentication over SSL


Our intranet use mod_ldap to authenticate users to our internal Active Directory server as follows:

<Location /***/>
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "***"
    AuthBasicProvider ldap
    AuthLDAPUrl "***"
    require valid-user

We want to allow our users to hit our site over the internet, but unfortunately Basic authentication is done in plain-text, which would expose our AD credentials on the net.

I realize that I could protect the entire site with ssl, but the only thing I'm really concerned about are the credentials themselves.

What is the best way to protect my AD credentials without using https:// for the entire site?

Note: I've tried substituting "Digest" for "Basic", but that doesn't work.

Best Answer

You will never be able to use digest authentication with LDAP because digest auth obscures (via MD5) the password so it cannot be compared with the ldap password.

You can solve this problem by using cookies rather than basic auth. See, e.g., pubcookie or Apache2::AuthCookie

Really, though, what is the problem with using SSL everywhere? You're wasting effort to remove security.