Ssl – How to disable SSL on Apache 2.4.18 running on Windows Server 2008


I have Apache 2.4.18 running on Windows Server 2008 R2.

I want to stop SSL on that environment altogether. How can I disable it?

Here is what I done in attempt to disable it

In the httpd.conf file I commented out the following 2 lines

LoadModule ssl_module modules/

Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Also in the httpd-vhosts.conf I changed the VirtualHost port from 443 to 80

I restarted Apache but now I can't get to my site. I get an error "unable to connect on all the sites"

What did I miss here?
How can I correctly disable SSL on port 443 and run Apache without SSL on port 80?

Best Answer

You probably have loads of mod_ssl config that now no longer works. Check your Apache error log for problems.

I'd imagine you have SSLEngine On config for your vhosts so that will need to go.

Also most installs I've seen had port 80 vhosts defined in httpd-vhosts.conf and port 443 config in httpd-ssl.conf but you seem to say you had 443 in httpd-vhosts?

Finally do you have a Listen 80 config somewhere?